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#50preciouswords Contest Entry


Updated: Mar 21, 2023

I had so much fun working on this story. If you are unfamiliar with Vivian Kirkfield's 50 Precious Words contest on her blog, I will give you the rules. The challenge was to write a children's story with 50 words or less. It must have a beginning, middle and end, and not include any illustration notes.

Here is mine:

I was inspired by my two little boys, who are obsessed with tractors, construction equipment, trucks, and, let's face it, anything with an engine, wheels, or tracks. I hope you enjoy it.

I you would like to read some of the other AMAZING entries, check out the comment section of The 50 Precious Words Official Contest Post.

Wahoo! It's official. I just made my first blog post on my own website. It might not seem big, but it's super exciting to me.

Now to continue writing, learning and querying.


Whoa! Guess what. PLUCK PLUCK STUCK received an honourable mention in the humour category. I am honoured to find my name in the company of so many great authors. Thank you to Vivian and all the other judges who continue to make this wonderful event possible.

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